Lampert Capital Markets
Lampert Capital Markets Equities

Whether you are an individual, institutional, hedge fund, or corporate client, our sales and trading services are tailored to your specific needs. We deliver superior information flow, ideas and best execution services.

We also provide access to one of the nation's top providers of small and midcap research, offering expertise and in-depth coverage of a wide array of industries. Wedbush Securities, our clearing broker was ranked 2012 top stock picking firm.

  • Institutional Equities

Lampert Capital Markets, Inc. is an institutional 'inter-market-broker.' We specialize in ETFs, Equity Options and Index Products, closed-end funds, OTC derivatives, Listed & OTC equities, and non-US equities.

Our role is to demystify the challenges of navigating and executing orders within highly-fragmented markets. Locating and aggregating actionable liquidity in today's highly-fragmented trading market ecosystem can prove elusive for even the most skilled buy-side traders and PMs. Lampert Capital Markets is unique in that our global, agency-only order execution platform enables institutional clients to efficiently locate liquidity and execute block trades in single stocks, ETFs, ADRs, and leverages our firm's direct market access to all relevant U.S. equities platforms and upwards of 100 international market centers.

We work for our clients, not against them. Unlike traditional "major firm" order execution platforms that internalize and often trade against client orders, Lampert serves a fiduciary; we are devoid of any competing interests or conflicts. This enables us to deliver true best execution.